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Hope for Type 2 Diabetes at Zeal Integrated Health

Has your type 2 diabetes treatment given you the quality of life you hoped for?

If the answer is anything but a resounding “yes,” you’ll want to keep reading.

  • Imagine no longer having to worry about your blood sugar.
  • Imagine no longer needing prescription drugs or insulin therapy.
  • Imagine having the energy to live your life like you want to.
  • Imagine living without fear of developing catastrophic complications.
  • Imagine the peace of mind that comes along with understanding why you’re sick and being able to recover.
The first step to reclaiming total body health is to understand what causes diabetes in the first place. It’s possible. The current state of health care is uncertain, to say the least. Long story short, this uncertainty has led to more “one-size-fits-all” approaches from overworked medical professionals.

Chances are, the following responses are all too familiar:

“It’s genetic. There’s nothing you could have done to prevent this, and there’s really no way out.”

“Your only option is to improve your diet, adopt an exercise routine, take your meds,
and inject insulin to slow the progression of your condition.”

“You will be diabetic for the rest of your life.”

And then the treatment program begins. But instead of getting to the heart of the issue and offering true therapy for your type 2 diabetes, you are presented with the standard traditional approach – the same one that everyone else receives. This all-too-common approach often ends up only complicating matters Why? Because it wasn’t designed for your body.

Should a real treatment for diabetes include a host of side effects? Is the serious potential to shorten your life expectancy worth the “relief?” You may have already experienced unwanted weight gain, high blood pressure, and increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Some forms of cancer also become more likely. Is this supposed to be a suitable solution to your jeopardized health?

The Traditional Mistake

Prescription drugs and insulin therapy, while common, may very well be making matters worse. At best, you end up with a “bandage” result – an effort put in place to try and mask your symptoms and trick your body into believing it has been healed. But you and your body know better than that.

Here’s the big misconception: Medical professionals almost exclusively focus on a person’s lack of insulin as the main cause of his or her diabetes. Many times, however, the problem stems from the body’s inability to utilize the insulin it already produces.

Stop adding fuel to the fire. Insulin may be worsening your condition. n fact, adding more insulin to the equation can directly result in all of those negative side effects that plague your quality of life. This is far from a real solution to treating diabetes… this is the equivalent of pouring gas on the fire and hoping the flames don’t get too high!


Type 2 diabetes has been called a “life sentence.” At Zeal Integrated Health, we say it’s time for a new ruling. It’s time to think outside the box, and that’s exactly what we do. We’ve taken a real, radical approach to understanding each patient as an individual and addressing his or her therapeutic needs.

We’re providing real change and real relief from the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Our fresh, clinically established approach is helping diabetics regain control over their health.

By looking at the whole picture of you instead of just your symptoms, we help you see new ways of looking at your previously held beliefs about how your genetics, diet, fitness level, and weight fluctuations played into your diagnosis. You’ll learn methods that fit YOUR life; once you begin to actually feel new changes, the momentum just builds from there.

Can you restore your health? It really is possible to…

  • Lose weight without exercise.
  • Feel a natural surge in your energy levels.
  • Reduce or eliminate your dependency on prescription drugs and insulin therapies.
  • Save thousands of dollars on insulin testing supplies.
  • Develop a new awareness of your body’s natural ability to function and heal.
  • Enjoy life without having this burden always looming in the distance.
  • Vastly reduce unnecessary risks of heart disease, nerve damage, and cardiovascular disease.

We conduct comprehensive testing. We don’t have a one-size-fits-all regimen for treatment. What we do have is a serious commitment to understanding the underlying factors of your unique situation. Are you ready to learn what’s possible? Let’s overturn the undue “life sentence” you’ve been given.

See What Our Patients Are Saying

Get Started Now

Contact us to see if you qualify for a consultation. You will meet with one of our highly qualified professionals and receive a full assessment. You’ll leave with an excitement that you probably haven’t felt in a while and a renewed hope for the future!


Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Springfield MO | (417) 893-0099